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Grinder Pumps

Grinder pumps which are specifically engineered to handle fibrous materials and solids such as sewage, waste water, and other tough materials. These pumps have a powerful grinding mechanism that shreds solid particles, preventing blockages and ensuring efficient pumping.

High-performance industrial grinder pump offered by Alton Facility Services.

Macerator Pump

Macerator pumps are designed to chop up and homogenise waste into smaller particles, making it easier to pump. They are commonly used in applications that involve sewage water, dirty water, and even effluent.

Robust commercial macerator pump available at Alton Facility Services.

Cutter Pumps

Cutter pumps are another type of sewage pump that uses cutting impellers to break down and move solids. These pumps are widely used in industrial applications, sewage pump stations, and water treatment plants.

High-efficiency industrial cutter pump provided by Alton Facility Services.

Vortex Pumps

Vortex pumps are designed with an open impeller that creates a vortex, allowing them to handle sewage water containing solid particles without clogging. They are commonly used in sump pump applications and for drainage purposes.

High-capacity industrial vortex pump available at Alton Facility Services